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Company Name

Ranosh Company

Company Activity

Juice, Coffee shops, restaurants

Establish Year 


Country of Origin

Saudi Arabia

Number of Branches


Franchise Fees /Unit

80,000 SR

Franchise Fees /City

Franchise Fees /Reg.

Royalty Fees


Marketing Fees


About Brand

Ranosh Company Ltd. , the predecessor to Ranosh Juice , Ranosh Cafe, Ranosh Fruit Ice Cream and Ranosh Shawarma, began as a small restaurant based in Riyadh City, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The spark that launched the company came from a seemingly benign experience. In the early part of 2002, the founder was a juice lover and wanted to investing in hospitality industry, and got his first real exposure to successful restaurants.
What followed were many years of focusing on developing the menu, customer referrals and sound business principles began to pay off Remarkably.

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